This board is made of nicely-figured birdseye maple with accents of
walnut, cherry and purple heart. Birdseye maple this nice is difficult to
find, but I saw this wood and thought it would make a nice board. Lots
of depth to the figuring on this wood.

Here's a close-up of some of the nice wood grain:

This is another variation on the birdseye maple, with a different
edge treatment and a hole for hanging and displaying the board.

Here's a detail shot of the walnut, cherry and purple heart accent
stripes and the edge treatment on this board. Instead of a fully rounded
edge, this one has more of the "softened corners" approach.
This is a series of three small boards I made for some Japanese
friends. Although each board has similar dimensions, the differences in
the accent stripes (and of course, the differences in each piece of
curly maple) make each one unique.

Here are detailed pictures of the accent stripes in the boards above,
from left to right...

Each accent stripe is made of five 1/8" wide pieces of satine (red),
walnut (brown) and maple (white). This is a good example of a fully
rounded edge.

This accent is a combination of purple heart (purple, of course), maple
and satine. The red and purple colors are completely natural
— no dyes or stains.

And finally, this board is accented with satine, maple and walnut.
The red and brown are really set off by the lighter maple wood.
As you can see, even with the same wood species, the different
arrangements of the colors can create completely different effects.
That's part of the fun I get from making these cutting boards.

This board was commissioned to be given as a gift. Like one of the
earlier examples, it also uses satine/walnut/maple for the accent
stripes, but with two stripes instead of three.

One of the reasons for using this particular combination for
the accent stripes again is simply that it looks nice.

This board is the first I built with African yellow heart as an
accent color. Like purple heart, it is a naturally-colored wood that
looks unnatural.

These accent stripes are made of satine (the red), yellow heart
(guess which color that is) and purple heart. I call this
board the "Circus Stripes" board because the colors are so bright. This
picture really doesn't accurately show the brightness of the colors, but
you probably get the general idea. Not only is the yellow heart wood
colorful, it's also quite dense, which lends itself to things like
cutting boards.

This little board was made from what amounted to leftover scraps.
It's curly maple with satine and yellow heart "racing stripes". This
particular board was auctioned off for the Gulf Coast relief efforts,
and it raised $61.50 for the American Red Cross.