02/10/08 |
earlier bowlsAs I mentioned on the Pens page, I've started playing around with with woodturning. Comparatively speaking, pens are easy next to bowls and other vessels. I'm just learning with bowls, hoping to work my skills up to the point where I can turn a variety of interesting round forms. Here are some pictures of my first few bowls. This photo gallery will be undergoing considerable refinement when I get some time. For now, it's just some pretty plain pictures. For lack of better names, here's Olive Bowl #1:
And another shot of the same bowl:
Here's Olive Bowl #2:
And another angle of the same:
And one more...
A while back I salvaged a large fallen branch from a tree at work. It's ironbark red eucalyptus, and inside the branch was some wonderful wood. Here are a few bowls that came from this wood haul... This one is about 10 1/2" wide and about 5 1/2" tall. I made this for my dad, since he had an empty shelf in need of a bowl.
And another shot of the same...
The bowl on the left is from a piece of an unknown eucalyptus given to me by a neighbor who was removing the tree. The other two are more of the ironbark red eucalyptus...
There are several more bowl in progress, and I still have a decent pile of the red eucalyptus, so you should be seeing more if this wood in the near future. As predicted, here are a couple more pieces of red eucalyptus. This little guy is about 3 1/2" x 2", with some included bark...
And this one, which started out as an odd-shaped piece that didn't hold much promise, was a lot of fun to make. It's a combination of lathe work and a bit of sculpting, and it takes more than one or two photos to get a feel for the piece. It's about 7 1/2" x 3", and I was very happy to see the nice figure in the wood grain. (These pictures don't do the wood justice.) Click on any of the thumbnail pictures below to see a larger version of the picture.
This bowl really has a lot of curly figure in it. It's about 6 1/2" wide and 4" tall, with walls about walls about 3/16" thick.
Here are another couple pieces of the red eucalyptus, this time with little oil lamp inserts — also knows as confetti lamps.
And another little guy, about 3 3/4" by 2 1/4". There is some neat grain in this piece.
This page was last updated 02/10/08
All photos and designs on this page (except as otherwise noted) © 2005 - 2007 Vaughn McMillan. All rights reserved.